Motilal Nehru College Library

(University of Delhi)

Benito Juarez Marg, South Campus, New Delhi



The Library observes the following schedule:
  • Complete silence is to be observed.
  • Bags are not allowed inside Library
  • Use of mobile phone is prohibited in the library. Mobile phones should be kept under silent mode in the library.
  • Students must not leave any book, borrowed for reading or lending purpose, on the reading desks. They must submit the books in the circulation counter before leaving the library.
  • The students/staff will deposit their personal belongings except notebook at the property counter.
  • Students/staff shall not leave Valuables in the bags they deposit at the Property-Counter. The College and Library shall not take any responsibility for the loss of any such item.
  • Marking, underlining, doodling or defacing any Books, Newspapers, Magazines, etc. of the library prohibited.
  • In case the Property-Counter token is lost, the deposited article may be claimed with proper identification.
  • Students can bring their own books in the library after 01.00 p.m.
  • Students can avail borrowing facility of four books against their library cards for a period of two weeks. An overdue charge of Rs.1/-will be collected for each day the books are kept over-time.
  • Students are required to check the physical condition of the books they intend to borrow from the Library. In case any book is found tampered with the pages in any form, the students will have to replace the book with the new and with the latest edition.
  • Requisition Register is available at the Reference Counter
  • If you need any help/assistance contact Librarian or Library Staff.

Membership: The Membership of the library is open for the teaching staff, students and non-teaching staff of Motilal Nehru College. A non-member is not admitted to the library without the special permission from the Principal, Motilal Nehru College.

Library Hours: Library remains open Monday to Saturday (except for Gazette Holidays) from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. for the users.

Loss of Library Membership Card (I-Card): A student who loses or damages his/her Identity Card shall make a written report to the Office of the College and she/he will be issued a duplicate Identity Card from the Office of the College as per College rules. Member shall be held responsible for any misuse of lost or damaged Identity Card.

Borrowing of Books: Books can be borrowed from the Library on any working day i.e. Monday to Friday (except for Gazetted Holidays) between 9.30 a.m. to 03.00 p.m. on production of valid membership card (I-Card). The Library follows open access systems, whereby, the borrowers can select the books of their choice. The borrowers will have to produce the books with the valid membership Card (I-Card) to the Counter Assistant on the Circulation Counters for the purpose of borrowing and returning of books. Before borrowing the books, the Borrowers must satisfy themselves about any mutilation or damage to the physical condition of the books, otherwise they would be held responsible for the same at the time of returning the book. The users will be required to replace the lost copy with its new copy failing which she/he will be charged the current cost of the book and in case of damaged books, the repair charges have to be borne by the user. A book issued to a library member may be reserved for borrowing by other library members by filling up the book reservation form. The Reference, and Rare Books are not to be issued and available for consultation only in the Library premises. The Librarian reserves the right to recall any book from user at any time before the due date, if the situation so warrants.

Fine: If the user fails to return the book by due date, he/she will be charged a Rs. 1/- Per Volume per day. The user who repeatedly fails to return the books on due date will lose the privilege of membership.

Library Membership Card: The Identify Card issued to the students from the College is also their Library Membership Card. The Books are issued to the users on the production of valid Identity Card.

The number of books and the period of loan/borrowing of books for different category of members are as follows:

S.No Member Category No. of Books Loan/ Borrowing Period
1 Teaching Staff 50 1 Full Semester
2 Non-Teaching Staff 20 1 Full Semester
3 Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff (Ad-hoc/Temporary/Contractual 10 1 Full Semester
4 Post Graduate Students 05 15 Days
5 Under Graduate Students 04 15 Days